V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  25io  ›  全部回复第 1 页 / 共 1 页
回复总数  1
2014-09-06 21:40:58 +08:00
回复了 25io 创建的主题 程序员 Hi, all!
@mengzhuo The original author Chen Luo is our Founder & CEO. He'd like to treat @Mou as his career instead of his personal project from now on.

@aa65535 @witcher42 Thanks for pointing it out! We have fixed it, it's perfect circle now.

@djyde We do, we're trying to fix them and make it better.

@missdeer @jedihy Thank you! We've fixed one grammar error. Changed "Make your website loads faster" to "Make your websites load faster". If there's any other error, let us know. :)

@getrix @amon @Kai @YY @learnshare Thank you all!
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