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2016-08-09 12:59:54 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 macOS MplayerX 花屏如何解决
更新 1.1.3 (1913)之后就好了,官网安装包还是有捆绑,建议去 SF 下载 1.1.3 的 zip 档。
Fix: pixelation when fast-forward or backword when using hardware decoding.
Fix: some borken files makes the player to not hide its logo, even there is a video stream.
Add SpeedMode.
fix several UI issues in multiple languages.
performance tweak and stability fixes.
- See more at: http://mplayerx.org/download.html#sthash.yysHUJ9v.dpuf
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