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[远程办公] 找中文 LLM 安全提示工程师, 每周 5 天 8 小时,每小时 10$USD

  •   azimiao0528 · 88 天前 · 2351 次点击
    这是一个创建于 88 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    职位描述: An Enterprise client is seeking Chinese (Simplified) writing experts for its AI Safety Prompt Generation project, which seeks to create a dataset of LLM evaluation prompts for inclusion in its AI Safety Benchmark. The main task is to be adversarial towards a generative AI model by generating prompts that are confusing, circumventing, misleading, and/or disabling, and generally pressure-testing the model to expose its vulnerabilities. This project will require immediate availability for 8 hours of work per day, Monday through Friday, for about 8 weeks. However, the volume is unpredictable, and not guaranteed. If you receive a contract offer, it will be for 3 months (in case the project is extended), and the work may not be consistent the whole time.

    职位要求: Native Chinese (Simplified) language proficiency (C1 level) is preferred, fluent proficiency may be acceptable (excellent writing skills and a solid understanding of grammar, syntax, and semantics) - Fluent English language proficiency is required - Transcription and/or content writing work experience, in Chinese, is required - AI training work experience is a bonus, but not required. You must be able to determine whether a prompt or response is adversarial and/or harmful.

    Discord 面试

    待遇: • 每小时 10$USD • 弹性工作时间 • 远程办公

    联系方式 TG@gemingxxx

    2 条回复    2024-08-31 22:02:48 +08:00
       88 天前
       50 天前 via Android
    还招么,需要可以联系我 [email protected]
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