V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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Mainly two mods are soooooooooo much popular!

Sprunki.com, normal mode and dark mode. You will love it, believe me, hhhhhh.

And the other is ColorboxMustard.com, Same as unclesamsonite.com.

ColorboxMustard.com is an interactive music creation platform inspired by Incredibox, combining vibrant visuals and fun sound design to offer a unique, creative experience for all users. https://colorboxmustard.com/

Sprunki.com es una plataforma interactiva de creación musical inspirada en Incredibox, que combina imágenes vibrantes y un diseño de sonido divertido para ofrecer una experiencia única y creativa para todos los usuarios.

Musical Role Online Game!

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♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.