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'revolutionary' new Mac OS X 10.7 feature

  •   QN · 2010-07-30 11:07:10 +08:00 · 5694 次点击
    这是一个创建于 5192 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    The new job listing posted this week and discovered by AppleInsider makes numerous references to a specific, singular feature said to be a part of the Mac OS X operating system. Of course, it declines to reveal what that feature could be, but the ad does use the word "revolutionary" on three separate occasions.

    "Are you looking to help create something new? Something that has never been done before and will truly amaze everyone?" the job listing reads. "Are you excited by the prospect that what you helped create would be used every day by millions of Apple customers? Then come and work with us on the Mac OS X software engineering team to help build a new and revolutionary feature for Mac OS X."


    "We have something truly revolutionary and really exciting in progress, and it is going to require your most creative and focused efforts ever," the listing days. The company wants to hire someone who has a drive to tackle "really hard" challenges that "have never been done before."

    An ideal candidate for the job has a degree in computer science and five years of professional experience in developing C/C++/Objective-C libraries or frameworks for use on end user systems. Applicants with experiencing developing for Mac OS X and UNIX are desired.

    Evidence of work on Mac OS X 10.7 came late last year, just a few months after the most recent version, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, shipped. AT the time, a new database entry for the open source "launchd" framework responsible for Mac OS X referenced "11A47." The numerical prefix of a Mac OS X build determines the version number, and 11A47 would imply an early version of Mac OS X 10.7.

    via http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/07/29/apple_seeks_engineer_for_revolutionary_new_mac_os_x_feature.html
    2 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2010-07-30 11:20:37 +08:00
       2010-07-30 11:26:04 +08:00
    @lianghai 选开发平台就是抱大腿啊。
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