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[上海]携程网招聘 Senior OpenStack DevOps Engineer

  •   superock · 2014-11-21 11:10:28 +08:00 · 2755 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3624 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Ctrip Cloud Platform team provides IaaS to internal customers using OpenStack. We are driven by deep engineering skills and love cutting-edge projects. We are looking for talented systems engineers interested in OpenStack operations & development.

    • Develop saltstack formulas for our OpenStack infrastructure
    • Design, implement and deploy monitoring/logging solutions for OpenStack
    • Manage the operations for the entire dev/qa farms of Ctrip
    • Improve the reliability of our OpenStack deployment for Ctrip site ops & IT department
    • Work closely with the OpenStack community

    • Expert Linux system administration and troubleshooting skills
    • Strong programming skills (Python/Ruby/Bash)
    • Extensive experience with configuration management and deployment tools (Salt, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Fabric)
    • Experience in databases and message brokers (MySQL, Galera, RabbitMQ)
    • Extensive experience with configuring, customizing, and extending monitoring tools monitoring/metrics tools (Nagios/Zabbix/ELKGraphite)
    • Knowledge of HA solutions (HAProxy, Keepalived, Pacemaker, Corosync)
    • Knowledge of virtualization solutions and tools (KVM, VMware, Docker, libvirt) is a plus
    • Knowledge of SDN, OpenFlow, Open vSwitch is a plus
    • Experience in Linux/VMware storage administration (LVM, Ceph, qcow2, vSAN) is a plus
    • Knowledge of bare-metal provioning (Razor, Cobbler) is a plus
    • Knowledge of deb/rpm and python packaging is a plus

    Please send your English or Chinese resume to ssshi [at] ctrip.com
    1 条回复    2014-11-21 13:33:55 +08:00
       2014-11-21 13:33:55 +08:00
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