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[上海] Web Developer – 顶尖芝加哥交易公司-上海,芝加哥培训

  •   recruiterit · 2016-08-26 15:02:01 +08:00 · 3143 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2975 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    招聘: Web Developer – 顶尖芝加哥交易公司-上海
    • Key skill: JavaScript, Python, English communication
    • Training in Chicago
    • Work closely with Quant and trading team
    • Learn and use Options and futures knowledge
    • Website: www.akunacapital.com
    Send CV to [email protected]

    Akuna Capital is a derivative trading firm headquartered in downtown Chicago that specializes in market making and arbitrage. Akuna started with five employees in 2011 and we now have over 140. In 2014 we grew by 84%, opening our first international office in Shanghai. Our founders remain a strong part of the company and work alongside junior members, building Akuna together. We compete directly with the largest market making and arbitrage firms in the world. We develop our own software strategies, algorithms, and models. We also have floor traders so we are not entirely an electronic firm. We have no clients and trade only using the firm’s own money from its partners. We use cutting-edge technology to build our low latency platform. Unlike other firms, we do not have legacy code and are therefore able to implement new strategies to be agiler in the creation of our trading systems. Other trading firms keep their quant, development, and trading teams very separate.
    公司总部位于美国芝加哥,在上海,波士顿设有分部,我们是美国最大的期权产品做市商之一。交易主要集中在芝加哥商品交易所,芝加哥期权交易所,ISE, 纽约证券交易所,和纳斯达克市场, 涉及的产品包含股票指数期权,利率期权及期货 (国债) ,外汇期权以及商品(谷物,牲畜,石油,和黄金)期货期权。我们有经验丰富的优秀交易员和创新开拓的IT精英。Akuna上海目前正在组建团队,打造最前沿的期权期货交易系统。在这里,你可以更加接近市场,建立自动化的交易系统。这里是技术和市场结合最前沿的地方。(我们是属于做市商,主要做期权产品,期货)

    We are looking for a Web Developer who has strong web and application design skills to help our existing web development team bring our applications to the next level. You will build real-time data visualization and parameter configuration tools to directly aid traders in assessing risk and strategy. At Akuna Capital, your participation means creating the tools which developers, traders and support personnel will be using every day to compete on the market.

    Our web application backbends are based on Tornado, the asynchronous web framework for Python. We take full advantage of Tornado's coroutine feature to create elegant asynchronous servers that scale efficiently. We utilize websockets to create live-updating displays to ensure traders have access to the most up-to-date information as quickly as possible. We power our front-ends with React to focus our development on making the best possible representations of our data. In addition to supporting traders, we also create monitoring applications for server support and development teams to help them better understand current resource utilization and notify them when services need attention.

    The ideal candidate is very comfortable with Python and JavaScript, loves the web, keeps up-to-date with new technology and is excited at the prospect of working with our team to take our web applications to the next level. You will be the first Web Developer in Shanghai office, will work closely with Quant team, learn and use quant knowledge with web development.

    Key Skills:

    • 3+ years of professional Python experience
    • 3+ years of professional Front-end JavaScript Experience (with HTML/CSS3)
    • Designing & writing REST or server push APIs
    • Experience with front-end User Experience (UX) and Design
    • Comfortable with Linux and source control (git)
    • Strong communication skills and works well in teams
    • Provide support during releases and production incidents
    • Good English communication skill

    Qualities that Make Great Candidates:
    • Experience with React JS
    • Previous experience with asynchronous frameworks (especially coroutines)
    • Bachelor's, Master's or Ph.D. in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent
    • Familiar with Agile methodologies
    6 条回复    2016-08-30 18:22:32 +08:00
       2016-08-27 11:08:28 +08:00
       2016-08-27 19:58:54 +08:00
    其实它就没指望 有人理它。也许这招聘也是他自己的意淫。
       2016-08-27 20:48:32 +08:00
       2016-08-27 21:51:53 +08:00
    plz show the salary
       2016-08-28 13:56:15 +08:00
       2016-08-30 18:22:32 +08:00
    linkedin 上投了简历没有反映..
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