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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[闪银奇异] [海外事业部北京研发团队] [高级开发工程师]

  •   dongpeipei · 2017-07-27 11:56:42 +08:00 · 1824 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2639 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    ps:北京市朝阳区农展馆南路 13 号瑞辰国际大厦,紧邻地铁口,棒棒哒 6 险 1 金、自助午餐、带薪年假、法定假期、过节福利、各种团建、美女如云 欢迎有意向的朋友发送简历至 [email protected] ,邮件主题:姓名+应聘岗位+渠道来源 感谢您的合作,如有疑问欢迎微信沟通 18211082613 小石头

    To reinvent an industry, you need to build an all-star team. Join Wecash Southeast Asia if you want to leverage upon the power of big data and machine learning to develop and promote products that can provide businesses with better credit profiles of customers and underwrite loans between funding sources and consumers.
    Founded in 2014, we are the first Chinese startup using big data and machine learning to evaluate consumer credit and detect fraud. Our company has raised more than US$26 million in financing over 2 rounds, acquired over 56 million users and have underwritten over 4 million loans to transform the lifestyle and credit worthiness of individuals over the past 2+ years.
    Wecash is looking for a stellar technologist to drive our expansion in Southeast Asia. If you can understand complex technology, navigate the fintech industry and thrive under ambiguous objectives, join us as our senior software development Engineer for Southeast Asia, and help us grow.

    As a senior software development Engineer in Wecash SEA, you will:
    Have opportunities to deal with big accessing traffic, large amount of data, complicated business logic and high expectation of real user experience.
    Work closely with experienced engineers and data scientists who are skillful to build system with high scalability, extensibility and availability. They might come from different teams and different countries.
    You are highly encouraged to build an end-to-end system, that means customer facing app is only one part, you also need to build the related backend service and metrics system as well.

    Basic Qualifications
    At least 5 years of software development experience
    Strong OO analysis and design skills in Java or C++
    Solid experience with XML, REST, and web services
    Experience with distributed (multi-tiered) systems, algorithms, and relational databases
    Ability to effectively articulate technical challenges and solutions
    Deal well with ambiguous/undefined problems; ability to think abstractly
    Works well in a fast-moving team environment and is able to effectively drive cross-team solutions having complex dependencies and requirements
    Strong Java coding skills; you will be able to discuss in depth both the design and your significant contributions to one or more projects using the Java language
    B.S. in Computer Science or a related field.
    Strong written communication skills in English.
    Bonus Skills:
    Experience working in an Agile/Scrum environment
    Experience building complex software systems that have been successfully delivered to customers
    Knowledge of professional software engineering practices & best practices for the full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations
    Verbal communication skills in English is a plus.
    Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia will be a plus
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.