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你应该使用测试驱动开发的 7 个原因

  •   pilishen · 2018-04-28 20:00:53 +08:00 · 1521 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2368 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    本文翻译自 dev.io

    If you aren ’ t familiar with it, test-driven development (TDD) is a software development practice where you write tests before you write application code.

    测试驱动开发( TDD )是一种软件开发实践,是在开始书写应用代码之前先写测试代码。

    TDD is something most computer science students are taught, but are never actually required to use. And you can get away without doing it for most of your coursework. (I have some thoughts on that here.)

    大多数计算机科学的学生都学过 TDD,但是从没实际的被要求使用过。而且在你的大多数课堂作业中可以逃避使用它。(对着它这里我有一些想法)

    At any rate:


    1. Good tests make good documentation – both for you and anyone who might come onto your project later. Test frameworks like Jasmine and Jasmine read like plain English. Name your tests in a way that describes the tested function ’ s behavior in a particular circumstance.

    好的测试产生好的文档-你或者其他人都可能会再去浏览你的项目。测试框架比如 Jasmine 和 Jasmine 读起来就像是平常的英语。以一种描述特定环境下的测试函数的行为的方式来命名测试。

    1. You ’ ll code faster. Even if writing a correct function implementation is difficult, pre-written tests will give you a clear target to hit.


    1. You ’ ll code correctly faster. Keep your test runner open to get continuous feedback on your work. This will get you to a correct implementation faster than coding an entire module at once and then testing it.


    1. You won ’ t forget to write the tests. Code without tests should make you uneasy, period. A comprehensive, passing test suite is reassurance to you and other developers that your code (probably) won ’ t break.


    1. It provides a solid starting point for later work. Similar to #1. Also, if you pick a project back up after a few months, you ’ ll forget how most of the code works. Tests can be a reminder, and a tested code base can be a fallback if you suddenly break things.


    1. It pushes you to write cleaner code. Long, complicated functions are hard to test. Simple tests and clear descriptions will naturally lead to shorter, more readable application code.


    1. You ’ ll write more meaningful tests. With code already written, it ’ s easy to write tests that just pass instead of tests that confirm useful functionality. Imagine if your math professor only tested you on things you already knew – that wouldn ’ t be very useful!

    你将书写更有意义的特产。如果提前写好来代码,就很容易去写为了通过而写的测试, 而不是为了验证有用的功能。想象一下如果你的数学老师只是测试你已经知道的东西,那将没有意义!


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