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Robotgo v0.50.0 发布了, Go 桌面自动化, 巨大更新

  •   vway ·
    vcaesar · 2018-08-09 00:28:48 +08:00 · 2516 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2261 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Robotgo v0.50.0 The Appalachian Mountains 发布了,Golang 跨平台控制鼠标、键盘、位图、屏幕、窗口句柄以及全局事件监听。

    项目地址: https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo


    • [NEW] Add simple ocr support
    • [NEW] Add max and min window api and win32.h file
    • [NEW] Automatic free internal bitmap and add bitmapStr example
    • [NEW] Update findBitmap and findColor default tolerance 0.5 to 0.01, [improve find accuracy and time]
    • [NEW] Add more Window example
    • [NEW] Add cross compile docs
    • [NEW] Add free bitmap and tolerance godoc
    • [NEW] Add GetForegroundWindow and FindWindow func support
    • [NEW] Add bitmap to CBitmap func, Add ToCBitmap example to examples
    • [NEW] Add get Scale and GetScaleSize func, get primary display DPI scale factor fix #129, #135 Add Custom DPI Scaling support, Add scale default value, Add scale example


    • [NEW] Update README.md [add freeBitmap example]
    • [NEW] Optimize findColor and uniform API with findBitmap
    • [NEW] Update godoc, CI and README.md
    • [NEW] Update CHANGELOG.md
    • [NEW] Update examples [add freeBitmap and update findColor]
    • [NEW] Optimize bitmap code, optimize args and not try [many methods]
    • [NEW] Update getPid type to int32
    • [NEW] Update var and other code style, fix non-standard code Update code and update some name
    • [NEW] Update pkg to newest
    • [NEW] Remove duplicate code and old useless code
    • [NEW] Update mouse click and fix moveClick and movesClick args
    • [NEW] Update code style use if not try
    • [NEW] Update clipboard example
    • [NEW] Update typestr use return not else
    • [NEW] Update mouse toggle, keytap and savebitmap func args
    • [NEW] Update examples remove duplicate code
    • [NEW] Update bitmap and other examples
    • [NEW] Simplify linux dependency installation commands
    • [NEW] Update issue_template.md
    • [NEW] Update pull_request_template.md
    • [NEW] Move govendor to dep
    • [NEW] Update robotgo ci to 1.10.3


    • [FIX] Update active pid to fix #140, fixed linux activePid
    • [FIX] Fixed findBitmap and findPic memory leak
    • [FIX] Add getPxColor destroyMMBitmap fix memory leak
    • [FIX] Fix float args not float32
    • [FIX] Fix windows clipboard memory leak
    • [FIX] Update macos .a downgrade to 10.10 just warning not exit [fix #102, #128, #134]
    • [FIX] use 10.10 to compile .a verifyed multi os
    • [FIX] Fix #145 not assert
    • [FIX] Fix some warning use supplemental code

    See Commits for more details, after Apr 30.

    2 条回复    2018-08-09 19:14:17 +08:00
       2018-08-09 08:45:09 +08:00 via iPhone
       2018-08-09 19:14:17 +08:00
    @playniuniu  🤝, 会一直更新, 更新多少看有没有时间
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