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[上海]优衣库母公司迅销集团招聘 Backend Engineer ( Java Microservice) [22K~38K]

  •   lyklykkkkkkk · 2018-12-11 13:37:06 +08:00 · 2453 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2136 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    因为我们的 team 主要 base 上海东京和印度,需要英文沟通,所以职位描述也直接上英文的。 另外 11 月 15、16 日在上海我们会举办招聘 event,2 天内可出 offer,感兴趣的同学请投简历。 邮箱: [email protected] 此外我们还在招聘前端想、项目经理等多种职位,后续会陆续更新相关信息。有任何问题也欢迎直接留言提问。 如需 DM 也欢迎联系 fastretailing 这个账号。


    Who we are?

    Our Mission:

    • To create truly great clothing with new and unique value, and to enable people all over the world to experience the joy, happiness and satisfaction of wearing such great clothes.
    • To enrich people's lives through our unique corporate activities, and to seek to grow and develop our company in unity with society.

    Our values:

    • Approaching issues from the customer perspective
    • Embracing innovation & challenge
    • Respecting and supporting individuals to foster both corporate and personal growth
    • Committing to ethical standards and correctness

    What we do?

    To become the best company in the world, we are targeting be the best IT department in the world. Fast Retailing group's IT department is an "offensive" department. We want to be the best in the world at all aspects like technology, organization structure, members, working environment. Fast Retailing group's brands include Uniqlo already became a huge scale brand like a infrastructure in modern society. We control the whole flow from procurement of materials to deliver products to customer's hands, even to the recycle. Behind the whole flow, we have every data from product information to purchase history data and we are using those data to pursuit the best customer satisfaction. It can be said that at the Fast Retailing Group, we have prepared a great environment with unlimited possibilities for the IT department. At the same time, as an IT department, we often look at the problem from the perspective of operators and consumers, and always closely integrate with the first line of production and sales to create new business opportunities. This will enable Fast Retailing Group to have more rapid growth in the future.

    Why we need you?

    In order to provide the world's highest level of purchasing experience to all customers, we are developing the microservice for the digital commerce business that our store and EC are fused together. Therefore, our core engineering team is looking for new colleagues to make development more efficient, scale up and speed up.

    Job content(Tell me about this job)

    As a backend engineer, this will be a position related to new development of order management system microservice and operate the existing services. In addition to technical aspects of designing and developing APIs, deep business understanding is required. We constantly create the next generation order management system to respond to internal and external business demands and technological innovation. We're looking for a member who can work together to expand the team with business expansion. Also, if you are a senior engineer, you are also required to review the design and implementation done by other engineers and take initiatives to find and solve challenges such as architectural and design, scalability and performance.

    Our team's technology Stack:

    • Language: Java
    • Development: Test Driven Development Git, Github Gulp Jenkins Agile/Scrum Jira/Confluence
    • Infrastructure: Public cloud(AWS, GCP), Docker PostgreSQL, Redis Fluentd, Kibana Kafka


    Must have:

    • Logical thinking. Ability to explain intention and background logically and lead to problem-solving beyond languages and contexts
    • Excellent communication skills in Japanese or English
    • Love technology, positive, strong sense of responsibility, flexible thinking
    • Major in computer science or related field
    • Regular algorithms and data structure knowledge
    • Java basic knowledge, Experience in Java Web Framework

    Nice to have:

    • Having knowledge and experiences of building/running API based components on B2C market
    • Professional experiences in retail/fashion apparel market
    • Experiences of using/leveraging public cloud environment such as AWS, GCP
    • Having fast-paced growing experiences on startups or equivalent experiences
    • Leading software engineer team in multi-national team experiences
    • Building and running e-commerce or related systems experiences in production level
    • Building and running large scalable web services
    • Executing continuous integration/continuous deployment and believing in your heart
    • Leading and executing modern efficient development process such as Scrum
    • Leading and executing modern testing methodology and quality assurance technique
    • Excellent communication skills in Japanese and English
    • Development experience of distributed system, high parallel processing system, high availability system
    • Architectural design ability. Collaborate with many teams and design solutions for the entire architecture

    Why you should join us?

    • Be involved in the development of order management system which is the core of the entire system and supports the EC site of the world's highest level apparel brand.
    • Work with engineers from all over the world with great technical skills.
    • Try the latest technology, introduce to the system and polish it.( Microservices, Java10, Spring boot2, Kafka, Async based architecture, etc...)
    • As the team is expanding, you can be a core member.
    • The entire company is focusing on IT. For example, CTO is still doing code review and design review

    Project image:

    The order management team is mainly responsible for the backend system from the customer puts an item in the cart to order is completed. Project image1 Project image2

    1 条回复    2018-12-11 13:38:45 +08:00
       2018-12-11 13:38:45 +08:00
    代同事发, 有问题请 DM 官方账号 @fastretailing !
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