V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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  •   Dclock · 2019-06-26 20:20:04 +08:00 · 2120 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1938 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    有兴趣可以加我微信(D_clock,注明来意)私聊,或者发送简历到我的企业邮箱( jixicai#bigo.sg ,#换成 @)


    Singularity IM is a fast growing company based in Palo Alto, California and our messaging app, imo.im, is extremely popular internationally. Our current team consists of TopCoders, ACM ICPC World Finalists, and medalists of the International Olympiads in Informatics. We work on challenging projects that have direct impact on our 200-million monthly-active users.

    We are currently seeking experienced software engineering generalists to work on our messaging platform. We are growing quickly and are looking for developers who have experience with highly-scalable distributed systems. We have 4 main teams here: Backend, Android, iOS, and Audio/Video.

    Our ideal candidate has a strong background in data structures, algorithms, design, and coding.

    Minimum qualifications:

    • BS/MS/PhD in computer science (or the equivalent)
    • Strong grasp of data structures and algorithms

    Preferred qualifications:

    • Experience building and designing scalable distributed systems
    • Ability to design and implement systems in Python
    • Extensive experience writing networking code in C/C++
    • Thorough understanding of TCP/IP and network programming
    • Adept at hacking open source software
    • 1+ years of experience at a company that went through a significant growth stage

    Benefits & Perks:

    • Competitive salary
    • $500/month housing stipend for living within a five-mile radius of the office
    • Four weeks of paid vacation per year (plus paid holidays and sick days)
    • 401(k), medical, dental and vision benefits
    • Access to a concierge medical group
    • Catered lunch
    • Data plan reimbursement
    • Wellness program
    • Yearly conference stipend
    • Company-sponsored team events and outings
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    ♥ Do have faith in what you're doing.