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Docusaurus · Easy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websites | 极客分享第 20 期

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  •   songhuangcn · 2021-03-08 08:27:47 +08:00 · 1033 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1321 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。




    原文链接: https://hackershare.dev/weekly_selections/20

    1. Docusaurus · Easy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websites

    Docusaurus makes it easy to maintain Open Source documentation websites.

    标签: #opensource #Docusaurus #Documentation #tool

    2. 《柯林斯双解》 for macOS

    ESL 用户需要学习词典,这类好词典有很多,比如柯林斯、朗文等,但 macOS 都没有内置,别人转制的质量又一般,于是我打算自己动手,移植两部。

    标签: #macos #tools #english #词典

    3. Unsplash Image API | Free HD Photo API

    Create with the largest collection of high-quality images that are free to use. Trusted by Trello, Medium, and thousands of other API applications to power their free picture needs.

    标签: #API #Unsplash

    4. 腾讯柠檬精选——收录免费、正版、好用的 Mac 应用及产品

    Lemon 不错,免费的 cleanmymac

    标签: #mac #free #tool

    5. Meltano: open source ELT

    Open source, self-hosted, CLI-first, debuggable, and extensible. Embraces Singer and its library of connectors, and leverages dbt for transformation.

    1 条回复    2021-03-08 10:57:25 +08:00
       2021-03-08 10:57:25 +08:00 via Android
    Docusaurus 部署了一下 好用
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