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AI Global Residency 2021 @ 香港 / 在家工作 (6-month Contract)

  •   upstage · 2021-04-29 14:17:51 +08:00 · 1157 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1267 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Are you passionate about addressing real world problems with industrial data for real services? If so, this role at Upstage is for you. We invite you to apply to the Upstage AI Global Residency 2021. Through this program, you will develop algorithms with a Kaggle grandmaster and engineers who have experience building large-scale products and solving difficult machine-learning problems. You will get access to AI Stages, our internal Kaggle-like system, to solve real-world problems from various domains, both competitively and cooperatively with fellow researchers.

    After this residency, you will become a great deep learning researcher and developer and be open to various opportunities as follows:

    1. If you want to start a career in AI, you will have the chance to join Upstage and/or be invited to Upstage's partner companies.
    2. If you want to start a new AI-based startup, we provide mentorship.
    3. If you want to pursue research in the field of AI, we give you opportunities to enter Ph.D. programs in world-class universities such as HKUST.


    • Participate in Upstage's internal AI competitions

    • Implement models from the latest published research


    • Strong background in mathematics, computer science, deep learning techniques and technical trends

    (Applicants should possess a Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science, Mathematics or other related disciplines, with relevant experience in software/web application development.)

    • Strong implementation skills using Python language and packages such as Pandas, Numpy and PyTorch

    • Experience in implementing their own deep learning models

    • Good communication skills in English

    • Experience in winning a silver medal (Top 5%) as a solo team in a competition platform like Kaggle (more than 1000 participants) is a plus


    • Stipend of approx. 👉🏻21K HKD/month👈🏻 (in case of full-time contract; students can work part-time with a different remuneration package.)

    • Opportunities to work closely with the HKUST DeepSE lab

    Work AOE (anywhere on earth)

    We support fully-remote working environments. You can work anywhere on earth!

    Hiring Process

    • Send your English CV and supporting materials that show your strengths to [email protected]

    About Us

    Upstage is an AI startup that aims to apply AI to various businesses. For further information on our company, please visit: www.upstage.ai and https://www.facebook.com/upstageai/.

    1 条回复    2021-05-01 09:02:54 +08:00
       2021-05-01 09:02:54 +08:00
    I just wonder if someone has such strong skills in Python and DL experience will be interested in this opportunity, they should be in the industry with a much better salary already, not to mention the requirement of winning a medal.

    The chance to work in your partner companies and so-called mentorship is just BS. Yes, it is offensive as your proposed salary do.

    Remote contractors in this world earn more than permanent roles, do you really think working anywhere on earth is a selling point with this salary?
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