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美国湾区 Spover 正在寻找软件工程师,构建一流的 Go-To-Market 数据产品

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    美国湾区 Spover 正在寻找软件工程师,构建一流的 Go-To-Market 数据产品!




    负责 Go-To-Market 数据产品前端开发工作, 岗位要求:

    1. 2 年以上实际前端开发工作经验
    2. 熟练掌握 javascript/typescript
    3. 熟练掌握 react
    4. 要掌握至少一门后端语言,Node.js 是大加分项,其他后端语言例如 Python 也可以
    5. 本科学历,985 或 211 是加分项
    6. 知名公司工作经历是加分项
    7. 较强英语读写能力,基本英语沟通能力


    • 在 RevOps(销售运营)数据行业创业公司中担任真正的软件领导角色,将软件开发与产品思维相结合。
    • 您将设计日常活动,支持产品开发,以帮助实现可扩展到更大团队的宏伟目标。
    • 您将直接与所有创始人合作,帮助塑造和执行产品路线图。
    • 提供与我们 VC 组合中其他公司的指导、培训和发展研讨会/网络机会。您投入于我们,我们将投入于您。
    • 对接美国一流的工作环境与企业文化。


    • 我们是一个由 3 名技术创始团队组成,拥有以下经验: o 将 Zoom 从 4000 万美元扩大到 40 亿美元。 o 来自 Google 、Snapchat 和 Credit Karma 的软件工程经验。 o 支持 Go To Market 组织的数据科学。 o 早期创业公司员工经验。
    • 我们位于旧金山湾区和洛杉矶。
    • 我们致力于卓越和长期可持续的创造性产出。我们期望您努力工作,但也会支持您过上充实的生活。
    • 我们致力于扁平化组织,密切合作,并相互提供坦率反馈,以支持个人和职业增长。
    • 我们目前拥有基于 Snowflake 、AWS 、DynamoDB 、AWS Serverless 、Python 、Node.js 、React.js 和 Next.js 构建的全栈 Web 应用程序。
    • 中国团队办公地点 base 成都高新区。


    • 您拥有所有权思维。
    • 您自豪地解决未知问题并找到解决方案。您可以轻松吸收信息,并能够向他人传达复杂的想法。
    • 您不怕挑战现状,并为团队带来新的想法。您能够描述您是如何颠覆不再具有目的的常见实践,或者如何在有机会改善公司或团队的情况下“打破规则”的。
    • 您是一个积极的学习者。您在个人和职业发展中投入时间。您可以清晰地传达您的专业领域以及您的增长领域。
    • 您具有 4 年以上的软件工程师经验。
    • 您具有端到端工作的所有权记录,强大的组织能力和自律性。
    • 您熟悉前端/后端编程语言。您渴望使用实际语言(如 JavaScript 、Python 和 SQL )来发布产品,而不是固守特定技术。


    • 您具有在 RevOps 和数据行业中的创业环境或创新团队工作经验。
    • 您对客户与您的工作成果互动关系有很强的产品直觉和关心。


    [email protected] OR [email protected]

    Spover is looking to hire software engineers to build best-in-class Go-To-Market data products.

    Role: Front-end / Full Stack Software Engineer

    Opportunity: A true software leadership role within a RevOps Data startup that will combine software development with product thinking. You will design daily activities that support product development to help achieve big-picture goals that will scale to a larger team. You will work directly with all the founders to help shape and execute the product roadmap. Access to coaching, training, and development workshops/networking opportunities with other companies in our VC portfolio. You invest in us, we’ll invest in you.

    Who We Are: We are a technical founding team of 3 with the following experience: oScaling Zoom 100x from $40M to $4B. oSoftware engineering experience from Google, Snapchat, and Credit Karma. oData science supporting the Go-To-Market organization. oEarly startup experience. We’re based in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. We’re committed to excellence and long-term sustainable creative output. We expect you to work hard and support your efforts to live a full life. We’re committed to a flat organization, working closely together, and giving each other candid feedback to support each other’s personal and professional growth. We currently have a full-stack web application built on Snowflake, AWS, DynamoDB, AWS Serverless, Python, Node.js, React.js, Next.js

    Who You Are: You have an ownership mindset. You take pride in tackling unknown problems and finding solutions. You assimilate information quickly and can communicate complicated ideas to others. You are fearless in challenging the status quo and bringing new ideas to a team. You can either describe how you have disrupted standard practices that were no longer serving a purpose, or how you would have “broken the rules” given the opportunity for the betterment of the company or team. You are an avid learner. You take time in your life for personal and professional development. You can communicate what you’re an expert in and your growth areas.

    Your experience: You have 4+ years of experience as a software engineer. You have a track record of ownership over end-to-end efforts, strong organizational skills, and self-discipline. You’re comfortable with backend and front-end languages. You’re excited to ship products in practical languages such as JavaScript, Python, and SQL instead of being dogmatic about a specific technology.

    Bonus points: You have experience working in a startup environment or innovation team in RevOps and/or Data. You have strong product intuition and care for how the customer interacts with your work deliverables.

    第 1 条附言  ·  342 天前
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