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V2EX 第 9564 号会员,加入于 2011-06-17 05:44:23 +08:00
alloy 最近回复了
2011-06-17 05:53:42 +08:00
回复了 ratazzi 创建的主题 Vim 给 MacVim 增加了些类似 TextMate 的功能,求帮忙测试
@noahasm I hope the translation I have is correct :)

* I understand that you dislike the browser in a sidebar instead of in an actual window drawer. I think a drawer is nicer as well, however, it becomes a problem when using MacVim in fullscreen mode. This will be especially noticeable when Lion comes out, which encourages fullscreen usage.

* To get the drawer on the left edge of the window you don't need to change the source, but instead set the preference like so: $ defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMDrawerPreferredEdge 1

Hope this helps :)
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