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V2EX 第 13908 号会员,加入于 2011-11-23 21:06:12 +08:00
Grew up in Shanghai, China, I quickly became interested in computers and the Internet at the age of 13. I started off by creating simple websites using basic HTML I learnt from reading computer magazines. Later on I worked in online publishing, marketing and web hosting while studying in high school. After being a 'webmaster' for a few years, I began my career in web development and design. I studied Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. I worked as a web developer at places such as Envato and PlayUp before joining ReInteractive.
fredwu 最近回复了
2012-11-02 17:16:14 +08:00
回复了 Hex 创建的主题 PHP CodeIgniter 中国开发者社区第二届技术交流会开始报名~
@hex 啥时候来袋鼠国办吧 -__,-
2012-11-02 17:15:16 +08:00
回复了 Hex 创建的主题 PHP CodeIgniter 中国开发者社区首届技术交流会圆满结束~
@hex 挖坟了哟~ -__,-
2012-10-19 16:11:37 +08:00
回复了 aligo 创建的主题 分享创造 新浪微博,绝交!
我是特地来233的。。。 -__,-
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